TOM NALEN sightingWe have breaking news to report?.. SFL LEGEND Tom Nalen has been seen at Redskins headquarters. We are hearing rumors of an early morning meeting with team owner Dan Snider and GM Bryan Mellon. Fans would go crazy if THE LEGEND would return to Washington for a third time!
We just heard through MySpace (remember it?s 2006 here) that Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is reportedly furious over the release of THE LEGEND, Tom Nalen and it might just cost Cowboys GM William Cook his job!
There's other rumors being spread that report GM William Cook is currently meeting with Cowboys owner Jerry Jones pleading his case and explaining he believes there to be collusion and tampering going on at Redskins headquarters, specifically with Redskins GM Bryan Mellon. Again this is absolute breaking news but reports suggest GM Cook is accusing GM Mellon's trading of Nalen to the Cowboys for peanuts was part of a larger plan by Mellon to only gain secrets of the Cowboys to use in an unfair manner against Cook himself since Mellon know Cook was on the SFL's Hot Seat due to Cook sucking so badly. We are also hearing that according to GM Cook the recent trade of pro bowl center Kevin Mawae from Washington to Dallas was also part of GM Mellon?s master plan as Mellon knew THE LEGEND Tom Nalen would be released once GM Cook acquired Kevin Mawae.
First we had Duke Prescott moving from Dallas to Washington, then THE LEGEND Tom Nalen moved from Washington to Dallas, next Kevin Mawae moved from Washington to Dallas. Now we may be seeing THE LEGEND move back to Washington. Wow, just wow.
Could THE LEGEND really have been a hired spy the whole time?Is GM Mellon this brilliant? What the hell is going on in Dallas and Washington? Would GM Mellon sabotage his division rival to the point it would cost GM Cook his job?Who the hell is involved in the trading of not just one, not just two but three centers in a single offseason anyway?